TEA (tclconfig) Source Code

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Ticket UUID: 7b67203bbcb5e58b631836b02461835e71e4e792
Title: take libieee.a search out of TEA_TCL_LINK_LIBS
Type: RFE Version:
Submitter: dgp Created on: 2018-02-23 14:17:44
Subsystem: 85. tclconfig Assigned To: hypnotoad
Priority: 5 Medium Severity: Important
Status: Open Last Modified: 2018-02-23 17:55:15
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: nobody
    Closed on:
Recently Tcl's configure machinery was revised to stop
seeking out and linking to a libieee.a library, since
support for them is going away.  This was a change to
the SC_TCL_LINK_LIBS in Tcl's tcl.m4 file.

The corresponding change for TEA is probably a good idea too.

It's not clear how important this is, because I do not have
a sense of how much TEA_TCL_LINK_LIBS is used.

For example, none of the TEA-using packages that are bundled
in source code form with Tcl releases make use of it.
User Comments: hypnotoad added on 2018-02-23 17:55:15:
Removed the macro from tcl.m4 in checkin:


If anyone was using this, it was the wrong way to determine the dependencies of the Tcl core. The Tcl for already tells you what it wants in tclConfig.sh

hypnotoad added on 2018-02-23 17:38:53:
I scanned the source code of every package used my IRM and Androwish, and I've determined there are no TEA extensions that are making use of the macro.