Tcl Source Code

Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 038e3056b1d9393afacbb9c4e950cff68341b61d
Ticket: 1ff0660e6e5f59639e50df751d4aaabb749f5583
Tcl_DriverInputProc is not called (again)
User & Date: dgp 2014-07-30 17:25:58

  1. icomment:
    There is a bug in the tcludp routine udpInput().
    When a Tcl_DriverInputProc() returns the value 0,
    the core I/O parts of Tcl take that to mean a signal
    of EOF on the channel.  udpInput() is returning 0
    in several places when it does not intend that meaning.
        if (statePtr->doread == 0) {
            statePtr->doread = 1;  /* next time we want to behave normally */
            *errorCode = EAGAIN;   /* pretend that we would block */
            UDPTRACE("Pretend we would block\n");
            return 0;
    That should be "return -1" instead.
        if (bufSize == 0) {
            return 0;
    That's arguably also wrong, but harmless since the Tcl
    I/O core will never pass in a value of bufSize==0.
        if (packets == NULL) {
            UDPTRACE("packets is NULL\n");
            return 0;
    That should probably be "return -1".  If this is an
    attempt to signal that the channel is blocked, then
    there should also be
            *errorCode = EAGAIN;
    and finally....
        if (bytesRead > -1) {
            return bytesRead;
    That might also return 0, whenever recvfrom()
    returns 0.  If those circumstances correspond to
    EOF, then all is fine.  Otherwise the above should
    be preceded by something like
        if (bytesRead == 0 && ThisIsNotEof()) {
            *errorCode = EAGAIN;
            return -1;
    With those fixes, I think tclUdp will work again
    with current dev sources of Tcl and will also
    continue to work with all the deployed releases
    of Tcl.
    Is there an active upstream to send these changes to?
  2. login: "dgp"
  3. mimetype: "text/plain"