Tcl Source Code

Artifact [bc248494ca]

Artifact bc248494cacd609f74beae5bf5e619504a88c6dd:

Wiki page [after] by dgp 2014-09-14 20:49:33.
D 2014-09-14T20:49:33.151
L after
P 2dad701109202f2c148ef7e1165f51fba896e304
U dgp
W 934
<h1>Source Files</h1>
  *  portions of [/finfo?name=generic/tclTimer.c|tclTimer.c]

<h1>Public Interface</h1>
  *  <i>None</i>

<h1>Private Interface</h1>
  *  Tcl_AfterObjCmd

<h1>Directly Depends On Public Interface</h1>
  *  [Timer Events]
  *  [Threads]
  *  [Allocation]
  *  [Preservation]
  *  [Tcl_Obj System]
  *  [Other Utilities]
  *  [string Object Type]
  *  [Parsing and Evaluation]
  *  [Event Loops]
  *  [Time Measurement]
  *  [Asynchronous Events]
  *  [interp]
  *  [Notifier]
  *  [Panic]
  *  [list Object Type]
  *  [index Object Type]

<h1>Directly Depends On Private Interface of</h1>
  *  [Timer Events]
  *  [Object System and Fundamental Object Types]

Module to define the [after] command.

The private dependencies are just shortcuts, nothing essential (for example,
<b>TclGetString</b> where <b>Tcl_GetString</b> would function just as well.

Z f6065c573da65003086898698d5523c3