Bwidget Source Code
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Artifact ID: be9de574f04e10b8b039f53e8736f516213d191d
Ticket: fcb66a43ef60659ca402675d2fecac96b2a447fa
When trying to use "Widget::theme 1" the SpinBox widget fails.
User & Date: anonymous 2016-08-23 19:21:17

  1. assignee changed to: "nobody"
  2. closer changed to: "nobody"
  3. cmimetype changed to: "text/plain"
  4. comment changed to:
    There is another tile related problem for the "SpinBox" widget.
    Pls. see following source code, for a quick hack to remove the error (maybe this is not fully backward compatible).
    Would be glad, if this get's fixed.
    With kind regards,
      Johann Oberdorfer
    # spinbox.tcl --
    #	BWidget SpinBox implementation.
    # Copyright (c) 1999 by Unifix
    # Copyright (c) 2000 by Ajuba Solutions
    # All rights reserved.
    # RCS: @(#) $Id: spinbox.tcl,v 1.12 2003/10/20 21:23:52 damonc Exp $
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Index of commands:
    #     - SpinBox::create
    #     - SpinBox::configure
    #     - SpinBox::cget
    #     - SpinBox::setvalue
    #     - SpinBox::_destroy
    #     - SpinBox::_modify_value
    #     - SpinBox::_test_options
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    namespace eval SpinBox {
        Widget::define SpinBox spinbox Entry ArrowButton
        Widget::tkinclude SpinBox frame :cmd \
    	    include {-background -borderwidth -bg -bd -relief} \
    	    initialize {-relief sunken -borderwidth 2}
        Widget::bwinclude SpinBox Entry .e \
            remove {-relief -bd -borderwidth -fg -bg} \
            rename {-foreground -entryfg -background -entrybg}
        Widget::declare SpinBox {
            {-range          String ""  0}
            {-values         String ""  0}
            {-modifycmd      String ""  0}
            {-repeatdelay    Int    400 0 {%d >= 0}}
            {-repeatinterval Int    100 0 {%d >= 0}}
    	{-foreground     TkResource black 0 {button}}
        Widget::addmap SpinBox "" :cmd {-background {}}
        Widget::addmap SpinBox ArrowButton .arrup {
            -foreground {} -background {} -state {} \
    		-repeatinterval {} -repeatdelay {}
        Widget::addmap SpinBox ArrowButton .arrdn {
            -foreground {} -background {} -state {} \
    		-repeatinterval {} -repeatdelay {}
        ::bind SpinBox <FocusIn> [list after idle {BWidget::refocus %W %W.e}]
        ::bind SpinBox <Destroy> [list SpinBox::_destroy %W]
        variable _widget
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Command SpinBox::create
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    proc SpinBox::create { path args } {
        array set maps [list SpinBox {} :cmd {} .e {} .arrup {} .arrdn {}]
        array set maps [Widget::parseArgs SpinBox $args]
        eval [list frame $path] $maps(:cmd) \
    	[list -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -class SpinBox]
        Widget::initFromODB SpinBox $path $maps(SpinBox)
        set entry [eval [list Entry::create $path.e] $maps(.e)]
        bindtags $path.e [linsert [bindtags $path.e] 1 SpinBoxEntry]
        set farr   [frame $path.farr -relief flat -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0]
        set height [expr {[winfo reqheight $path.e]/2-2}]
        set width  11
        set arrup  [eval [list ArrowButton::create $path.arrup -dir top] \
    	    $maps(.arrup) \
    		    [list -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 \
    			 -type button -width $width -height $height \
    			 -armcommand    [list SpinBox::_modify_value $path next arm] \
    			 -disarmcommand [list SpinBox::_modify_value $path next disarm]]]
        set arrdn  [eval [list ArrowButton::create $path.arrdn -dir bottom] \
    	    $maps(.arrdn) \
    		    [list -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 1 -takefocus 0 \
    			 -type button -width $width -height $height \
    			 -armcommand    [list SpinBox::_modify_value $path previous arm] \
    			 -disarmcommand [list SpinBox::_modify_value $path previous disarm]]]
        # --- update SpinBox value ---
        _test_options $path
        set val [Entry::cget $path.e -text]
        if { [string equal $val ""] } {
    	Entry::configure $path.e -text $::SpinBox::_widget($path,curval)
        } else {
    	set ::SpinBox::_widget($path,curval) $val
        grid $arrup -in $farr -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nsew
        grid $arrdn -in $farr -column 0 -row 2 -sticky nsew
        grid rowconfigure $farr 0 -weight 1
        grid rowconfigure $farr 2 -weight 1
        pack $farr  -side right -fill y
        pack $entry -side left  -fill both -expand yes
        ::bind $entry <Key-Up>    [list SpinBox::_modify_value $path next activate]
        ::bind $entry <Key-Down>  [list SpinBox::_modify_value $path previous activate]
        ::bind $entry <Key-Prior> [list SpinBox::_modify_value $path last activate]
        ::bind $entry <Key-Next>  [list SpinBox::_modify_value $path first activate]
        ::bind $farr <Configure> {grid rowconfigure %W 1 -minsize [expr {%h%%2}]}
        return [Widget::create SpinBox $path]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Command SpinBox::configure
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    proc SpinBox::configure { path args } {
        set res [Widget::configure $path $args]
        if { [Widget::hasChangedX $path -values] ||
             [Widget::hasChangedX $path -range] } {
            _test_options $path
        return $res
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Command SpinBox::cget
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    proc SpinBox::cget { path option } {
        return [Widget::cget $path $option]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Command SpinBox::setvalue
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    proc SpinBox::setvalue { path index } {
        variable _widget
        set values [Widget::getMegawidgetOption $path -values]
        set value  [Entry::cget $path.e -text]
        if { [llength $values] } {
            # --- -values SpinBox ---
            switch -- $index {
                next {
                    if { [set idx [lsearch $values $value]] != -1 } {
                        incr idx
                    } elseif { [set idx [lsearch $values "$value*"]] == -1 } {
                        set idx [lsearch $values $_widget($path,curval)]
                previous {
                    if { [set idx [lsearch $values $value]] != -1 } {
                        incr idx -1
                    } elseif { [set idx [lsearch $values "$value*"]] == -1 } {
                        set idx [lsearch $values $_widget($path,curval)]
                first {
                    set idx 0
                last {
                    set idx [expr {[llength $values]-1}]
                default {
                    if { [string index $index 0] == "@" } {
                        set idx [string range $index 1 end]
                        if { [catch {string compare [expr {int($idx)}] $idx} res] || $res != 0 } {
                            return -code error "bad index \"$index\""
                    } else {
                        return -code error "bad index \"$index\""
            if { $idx >= 0 && $idx < [llength $values] } {
                set newval [lindex $values $idx]
            } else {
                return 0
        } else {
            # --- -range SpinBox ---
    	foreach {vmin vmax incr} [Widget::getMegawidgetOption $path -range] {
    	# Allow zero padding on the value; strip it out for calculation by
    	# scanning the value into a floating point number.
    	scan $value %f value
            switch -- $index {
                next {
                    if { [catch {expr {double($value-$vmin)/$incr}} idx] } {
                        set newval $_widget($path,curval)
                    } else {
                        set newval [expr {$vmin+(round($idx)+1)*$incr}]
                        if { $newval < $vmin } {
                            set newval $vmin
                        } elseif { $newval > $vmax } {
                            set newval $vmax
                previous {
                    if { [catch {expr {double($value-$vmin)/$incr}} idx] } {
                        set newval $_widget($path,curval)
                    } else {
                        set newval [expr {$vmin+(round($idx)-1)*$incr}]
                        if { $newval < $vmin } {
                            set newval $vmin
                        } elseif { $newval > $vmax } {
                            set newval $vmax
                first {
                    set newval $vmin
                last {
                    set newval $vmax
                default {
                    if { [string index $index 0] == "@" } {
                        set idx [string range $index 1 end]
                        if { [catch {string compare [expr {int($idx)}] $idx} res] || $res != 0 } {
                            return -code error "bad index \"$index\""
                        set newval [expr {$vmin+int($idx)*$incr}]
                        if { $newval < $vmin || $newval > $vmax } {
                            return 0
                    } else {
                        return -code error "bad index \"$index\""
        set _widget($path,curval) $newval
        Entry::configure $path.e -text $newval
        return 1
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Command SpinBox::getvalue
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    proc SpinBox::getvalue { path } {
        variable _widget
        set values [Widget::getMegawidgetOption $path -values]
        set value  [Entry::cget $path.e -text]
        if { [llength $values] } {
            # --- -values SpinBox ---
            return  [lsearch $values $value]
        } else {
    	foreach {vmin vmax incr} [Widget::getMegawidgetOption $path -range] {
            if { ![catch {expr {double($value-$vmin)/$incr}} idx] &&
                 $idx == int($idx) } {
                return [expr {int($idx)}]
            return -1
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Command SpinBox::bind
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    proc SpinBox::bind { path args } {
        return [eval [list ::bind $path.e] $args]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Command SpinBox::_modify_value
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    proc SpinBox::_modify_value { path direction reason } {
        if { $reason == "arm" || $reason == "activate" } {
            SpinBox::setvalue $path $direction
        if { ($reason == "disarm" || $reason == "activate") &&
             [set cmd [Widget::getMegawidgetOption $path -modifycmd]] != "" } {
            uplevel \#0 $cmd
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Command SpinBox::_test_options
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    proc SpinBox::_test_options { path } {
        set values [Widget::getMegawidgetOption $path -values]
        if { [llength $values] } {
            set ::SpinBox::_widget($path,curval) [lindex $values 0]
        } else {
    	foreach {vmin vmax incr} [Widget::getMegawidgetOption $path -range] {
    	set update 0
            if { [catch {expr {int($vmin)}}] } {
                set vmin 0
    	    set update 1
            if { [catch {expr {$vmax<$vmin}} res] || $res } {
                set vmax $vmin
    	    set update 1
            if { [catch {expr {$incr<0}} res] || $res } {
                set incr 1
    	    set update 1
    	# Only do the set back (which is expensive) if we changed a value
    	if { $update } {
    	    Widget::setMegawidgetOption $path -range [list $vmin $vmax $incr]
            set ::SpinBox::_widget($path,curval) $vmin
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Command SpinBox::_destroy
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    proc SpinBox::_destroy { path } {
        variable _widget
        unset _widget($path,curval)
        Widget::destroy $path
  5. foundin changed to: "1.9.10"
  6. is_private changed to: "0"
  7. login: "anonymous"
  8. priority changed to: "5 Medium"
  9. private_contact changed to: "f75db2b2e0daed8a015467f70380a582a0c11109"
  10. resolution changed to: "None"
  11. severity changed to: "Minor"
  12. status changed to: "Open"
  13. submitter changed to: "anonymous"
  14. subsystem changed to: "(unused)"
  15. title changed to:
    When trying to use "Widget::theme 1" the SpinBox widget fails.
  16. type changed to: "Bug"