Bwidget Source Code
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Artifact ID: 6da759269a90b5843f4166e0f52f26786753dde1
Ticket: d5480d1da2ec9898400f218af80b336e8399747d
ScrollableFrame: show scrollbars only when mouse in widget
User & Date: oehhar 2017-01-14 12:43:10

  1. icomment:
    To test, one may use the bwidget demo by modifying the following line in demo/manager.tcl:
    --- bwidget-rfe-d5480d1da2/demo/manager.tcl
    +++ bwidget-rfe-d5480d1da2/demo/manager_ori.tcl
    @@ -76,15 +76,15 @@
                 $lb insert end "Value $i"
             $sw setwidget $lb
             pack $sw -fill both -expand yes
         set sw [ScrolledWindow $pane3.sw -relief sunken -borderwidth 2]
    +    set sf [ScrollableFrame $sw.f -onlyhover 1]
    -    set sf [ScrollableFrame $sw.f]
         $sw setwidget $sf
         set subf [$sf getframe]
         set lab [label $subf.lab -text "This is a ScrollableFrame"]
         set chk [checkbutton $subf.chk -text "Constrained width" \
                      -variable DemoManager::_constw \
                      -command  "$sf configure -constrainedwidth \$DemoManager::_constw"]
         pack $lab
    <h1>Active by default</h1>
    It is proposed that this option is active by default if themed.
    I don't think this is a good idea.
       *   File documentation always repets the same sentence
       *   User documentation missing
    I suppose, I will correct all this in a follow-up commit.
  2. login: "oehhar"
  3. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-wiki"
  4. username: "oehhar"