File 'support/doczip.tcl' (part of 'Makedist_Support')

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Written by
Andreas Kupries
Procedures to wrap up documentation into a separate archive

mDocTGZArchive (directory)

Wraps the documentation residing in the directory into a tar.gz archive and marks this as supporting file, causing it to be distributed side by side with the real distribution archive.
Notes: Uses an intermediary file doc.tar.gz in the distribution directory. Requires existence of 'tar' command, must be found in the path. Requires a version of 'tar' understanding option 'z' (GNU tar for example).
Argument: directory The path to the directory containing the documentation to archive. Relative to the distribution directory.

mDocZIPArchive (directory)

Wraps the documentation residing in the directory into a zip archive and marks this as supporting file, causing it to be distributed side by side with the real distribution archive.
Notes: Uses an intermediary file in the distribution directory. Requires existence of 'zip' command, must be found in the path.
Argument: directory The path to the directory containing the documentation to archive. Relative to the distribution directory.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.1 at 06/05/1999, invoked by Andreas Kupries