[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [include parts/definitions.inc] [vset VERSION 0.1] [manpage_begin [vset LABEL_TABLE] [vset MAN_SECTION] [vset VERSION]] [include parts/module.inc] [require cmdr::util] [titledesc [vset TITLE_TABLE]] [description] [include parts/welcome.inc] This package provides convenience commands for the easy creation of simple tables. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------}] [section API] [list_begin definitions] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ::cmdr::table] [method general] [arg var] [arg headers] [arg script]] This command creates a new table with the words found in the list of [arg headers] as the top row. The [arg script] is run in the calling context to configure and populate the table. The table's object command is stored in the named [arg var] for access by the [arg script]. The result of the command is the table's object command. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def varname var] The name of the variable in the calling scope the new table's object command will be stored into. [arg_def list headers] The list of words to user as column headers. [arg_def string script] The tcl script to be run to configure and populate the table. [list_end] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ::cmdr::table] [method dict] [arg var] [arg script]] This command creates a new table intended for the display of a Tcl dictionary. It will have two columns titled [const Key] and [const Value]. The [arg script] is run in the calling context to configure and populate the table. The table's object command is stored in the named [arg var] for access by the [arg script]. The result of the command is the table's object command. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def varname var] The name of the variable in the calling scope the new table's object command will be stored into. [arg_def string script] The tcl script to be run to configure and populate the table. [list_end] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ::cmdr::table] [method borders] [opt [arg enable]]] This command configures the global [term border] setting, which indicates the (non)use of borders by the tables of this package. Note that changes to this setting influence only the tables created after the change. Existing tables are not modified. [para] The result of the command is the new state of the setting. [para] If the command is called without an argument it simply returns the current state of the setting, without making changes. [para] The default value for the setting is [const yes]. Individual tables can override the global settings via their [method borders] method, see [sectref {Table API}]. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def boolean enable] The new value of the setting. Optional. [list_end] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ::cmdr::table] [method show] [opt [arg cmd]...]] This command configures the global [term show] setting, which is the command prefix to use to print a table, if the table is not given a specific command to use. Note that changes to this setting influence only the tables created after the change. Existing tables are not modified. [para] The result of the command is the new state of the setting [para] If the command is called without any arguments it simply returns the current state of the setting, without making changes. [para] The default value for the setting is [const puts]. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def word cmd] The command prefix to use for printing a table, as varargs. The prefix will be invoked with a single argument, the string representation of the table. [list_end] [list_end] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- ------------- ---------------------}] [section {Table API}] This section lists the methods available for configuration and population of the tables created by this package. [list_begin definitions] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [var t] [method borders] [opt [arg enable]]] This is the table-level [term borders] setting. On creation a table inherits the global setting (See [cmd {::cmdr::table borders}]). If that is not to suit then this method can be used to override it. [para] The result of the method is the new state of the setting. When called without argument no change is made and the result is the current state of the setting. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [var t] [method headers] [opt [arg enable]]] This method controls the visibility of the header row. By default general tables have the header row visisble, while for dict tables the header is suppressed. This method allows the user to override these defaults. [para] The result of the method is the new state of the setting. When called without argument no change is made and the result is the current state of the setting. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [var t] [method style] [opt [arg style]]] This method allows the user to force the use of a completely custom style. Please see the documentation for the Tcllib package [package report] on how to define table styles. [para] The package defines four styles of its own, all using the common prefix [const cmdr/table/] in their names. When no custom style is set the table chooses between these based on its [term borders] and [term headers] settings. [para] The result of the method is the new state of the setting. When called without argument then no change is made and the result is the current state of the setting. [para] To revert from a custom style to the automatic choice invoke this method with the empty string as the name of the style. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [var t] [method add] [arg word]...] [call [var t] [method +] [arg word]...] [call [var t] [method +=] [arg word]...] [call [var t] [method <<] [arg word]...] [call [var t] [method <=] [arg word]...] This method adds a new row to the table, containing the given words. If less words than headers are specified the row is padded with empty columns. If too many words are specified the superfluous words are ignored. [para] The result of the method is the empty string. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [var t] [method show*] [opt [arg cmd]]] This method formats the table into a string and then invokes the command prefix [arg cmd] to print that string. The command prefix is run at the global namespace and level. If the [arg cmd] is not specified the global [term show] setting is used instead. [para] The result of the method is the empty string. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [var t] [method show] [opt [arg cmd]]] This is a variant of method [method show*] above which not only prints the table as above, but also destroys it. [list_end] [include parts/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]